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Der Arbeitsdienst - Ein Bildberichtbuch
Der Arbeitsdienst - Ein Bildberichtbuch, a fine 1937 hardcover 'Photo Report
on the Nazi Labor Service' with excellent full-page photos and a pristine
4-page insert outlining the Nazi government's compulsory labor service laws.
Nordische Schoenheit, Ihr Wunschbild im Leben und in der Kunst
A 1937 First Edition of Nordische Schönheit, Ihr Wunschbild im Leben und in der Kunst explaining the meaning of Nordic Beauty (and its connection to race) in photos and art, to help the German people understand the importance of preserving the Nordic Ideal.
1938 Tag der Luftwaffe Goering, Christiansen lot
Two 1938 Day of the Luftwaffe invitations from Nazi Air Minister Hermann Goering
to Generalleutnant Friedrich Christiansen, plus the seating plan for the formal dinner on 1 March 1938. Unique and among the rarest of ephemera of the Third Reich!
Nationalpolitische Aufklärungsschriften Heft 6 Der Arbeitsdienst
Issue 6 of Nationalpolitische Aufklärungsschriften, a late 1930s Nazi propaganda publication outlining the National Socialist Labor Service,
subtitled “a Choice of the German Youth”.
SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt Dachau
World War II Feldpost envelopes that once held correspondence sent from Dachau Concentration Camp and Supply or Nachschub-Bataillon 627.
Benito Mussolini, The Man


Benito Mussolini - The Man, an interesting hardcover English language book about
Il Duce written by French author Vahdah Jeanne Bordeux in 1927, with family photos.
Nazi construction projects in Munich, 1933-1936
München baut auf, a fine hardcover Nazi photo book depicting the enormous effort
that went into the reconstruction of the Capital of the Nazi Movement in the
1930s, includes photos of the new SS riding school, RZM building, SS-Kaserne, etc.
BP-Olex Autokarte Berlin-Brandenburg
An original BP-Olex Autokarte Berlin-Brandenburg, a two-sided BP color map of
Berlin and the surrounding area Brandenburg, produced around 1938.
all 12 issues of Der Vierjahresplan for 1937
All twelve issues of the first year of publication of Der Vierjahresplan, the official
magazine of Hermann Göring's Four Year Economic Plan for Nazi Germany.
Over 750 illustrated pages filled with information and pictures not found in other
Third Reich magazines, including stunning period industrial advertising
as well as the 1937 Index and rare original order form.
1938 Nazi photo book The Face of the German Woman
Das Antlitz der Deutschen Frau, a 1938 edition of the Nazi photo book about the
importance of the role of the German woman and mother in Germany's past,
present and future, and as a wife. With a foreword by Emmy Goering.
RKB Identity card 1938 Feldwebel Dässel
The original Reichskolonialbund Mitgliedskarte or State Colonial League
Membership Card issued to a Deutsche Reichsbahn employee in Essen.
1940 Der Hoheitsträger Nazi leadership magazine
All 1940 issues of the rare, confidential, serial numbered Nazi Party Leadership educational magazine Der Hoheitsträger with articles by Reichsorganisationsleiter Dr. Ley, Gaupropagandaleiter der NSDAP Woweries, Deputy Führer Hess, Supreme Commander of the Army, Field Marshal von Brauchitsch and others.
1940 Der Hoheitstraeger Nazi leadership magazine INDEX
A very rare original 72-page Inhaltsverzeichnis or Index for the Nazi Party
Leadership confidential educational magazine Der Hoheitstrager
(The Standard Bearers) published in 1939 and 1940.
1938 Nazi Party Days map Nuremberg
A fine original two-sided public transportation map for visitors to the 1938 Nazi
Party Days in Nuremberg, the last Reichsparteitag held during the Third Reich.
Hoffmann Hitler book advertising pamphlets
Genuine 1938 and 1939 Heinrich Hoffmann book catalogs with order forms
advertising Adolf Hitler photo books or Bilddokumente vom Fuehrer.
Nazi Ordensburg book Der Weg zum Ordensburg
A rare oversized Nazi photo publication on the three purpose-built elite Nazi
leadership school or NS-Ordensburgen Vogelsang, Crossinsee and Sonthofen
where carefully selected future political leaders of Nazi Germany were educated.
1937 Jahrbuch der nationalsozialistischen Wirtschaft
Original 1937 book advertising for the Yearbook of the National Socialist Economy
published by Nazi Party Publishing House Franz Eher Nachfolger of Munich,
with an original unused order form
The German World War II combat photography book Entscheidende Stunden - mit der Kamera am Feind (Decisive Hours - with the Camera and the Enemy) by PK Eric Borchert - superb photo content in color and black & white, with original dust jacket.
Das Erlebnis der Reichsautobahn Reichsministerium Speer
A fine example of the rare hardcover Nazi art book Experience the Nazi Freeways containing 24 beautiful tipped-in full-color pictures of Adolf Hitler’s freeway system, published by Reichsministerium Speer in 1943 and with a foreword by Albert Speer.
twelve 1938 Der Vierjahresplan magazines
All twelve 1938 issues of Der Vierjahresplan, the official magazine of Hermann
Göring's Four-Year Economic Plan for Nazi Germany, over 800 illustrated
pages filled with information and pictures not found in other Third
Reich magazines, including stunning industrial advertising.
Nazi magazine Freude und Arbeit 1 - 1939
Issue 1 of Year 4 (1939) of the heavily illustrated international Nazi magazine
Joy and Labor with photo features on Hermann Goering and Carinhall,
Reichsführer-SS Himmler, Christmas with Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler,
diplomatic visitors to Nazi Germany, etc.
Adolf Hitler photo
A beautifully color illustrated 18-page original 1937-1938 program guide produced
for the "Community of Season Ticket Holders" at the Deutsche Opernhaus
in Berlin, with embossed eagle and swastika cover.
Freude und Arbeit September 1938, Horthy
The September 1938 edition of the heavily illustrated international Nazi magazine Joy and Labor with photo features on RFSS Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich and other high-ranking SS men at Quedlinburg, the visit of Hungarian head of state Horthy to Nazi Germany, the Freude und Arbeit Congress in Rome, scenes from diplomatic circles, international travel, etc.
nazi invasion Yugoslavia 1941, Unterm Edelweiss in Jugoslawien


Unterm Edelweiss in Jugoslawien, a gritty commemorative Nazi photo book
about the role of Wehrmacht Gebirgsjäger or German mountain troops
during the April 1941 invasion of Yugoslavia.
Freude und Arbeit-  Joy and Labor - Gioia e Lavoro - Alegria y Trabajo - Joie et Travail
Issue 3 of Year 4 (1939) of the heavily illustrated international Nazi magazine Joy and Labor with photo features on the Berlin International Auto Show, the United States, Reichsführer-SS Himmler in Warsaw, Dr. Ley’s birthday visit to Nazi Ordensburg Sonthofen, etc.
Mein Deutschland - Mensch und Landschaft, 1937
A 1937 linen hardcover photographic tribute to the new Nazi Germany and
its people called Mein Deutschland - Mensch und Landschaft
(My Germany - its People and Landscape).
München Vom Wesen einer deutschen Stadt 1939 First Ed.
A high-quality photo book about the Capital of the Nazi Movement called
München - Vom Wesen einer deutschen Stadt
, the brainchild of Munich Mayor
and Reichsleiter Karl Fiehler. Published in 1939 with photo captions in
four languages including English, with its original dust jacket
Wir beginnen das Wunschkonzert für die Wehrmacht
A 1940 First Edition of Wir beginnen das Wunschkonzert für die Wehrmacht,
a heavily illustrated humorous book about concerts on request for
members of the German Armed Forces during World War II.
Was muss die deutsche Jugend von der Vererbung wissen?
An illustrated 1936 book called What should the German Youth know about Heredity?
published to make citizens of Nazi Germany more aware of their duty to create
racially pure families, thereby ensuring the continuation of the Hitler’s Third Reich.
Ränzlein 1942, Ein Jahrbüchlein für die deutsche Jugend
The 1942 Yearbook for German Youth with many illustrations of HJ boys and BdM
girls published by the German Youth Hostel Association (DJH) called
Ränzlein 1942, Ein Jahrbüchlein für die deutsche Jugend
Jeder muß helfen! Dein Pflichten im Vierjahresplan - 1939
A heavily illustrated 1939 publication urging citizens of Nazi Germany to recycle,
and that it should be considered a national economic necessity and duty
to help the Fatherland.
Reichs-Handbuch der deutschen Fremdenverkehrs-Orte
A letter from 1938 requesting the services of Professor Dr. Ernst Hermann
to write travel material about the newly incorporated
Austrian Lands for upcoming Nazi travel guides
RAD in WW2, Jahrgang 24
Jahrgang 24, a 1943 German World War II book about young men (born in 1924)
of the Reichsarbeitsdienst (the German Labor Service) trained to
assist the Wehrmacht on the East Front and in occupied France.
The Third Reich Mirrored in the World Press, Dr. Karl Boehmer 1935
A 1934 First Edition of the rare, heavily illustrated Nazi book The Third Reich
Mirrored in the World Press
which exposes and counters foreign propaganda
against Hitler's Germany - extremely anti-Jewish in tone.
Obersalzberg Wanderungen zwischen Gestern und Heute (Obersalzberg - Wanderings between Yesterday and Today)
The fine 1939 Nazi photo book Obersalzberg - Wanderings between Yesterday and
, with rare pictures of the Berghof and its surrounding property, local
children and their pets, Hitler admirers, Dietrich Eckart and people who knew him.
Ten Years of Italian Progress, an original English language publication highlighting the accomplishments of the Mussolini government between 1922 and 1932, published by ENIT in 1933 or fascist year XI, the 11th year since the 1922 Fascist March on Rome.
Das General-Gouvernement, 1942 book for Dr. Hans Frank
An in-depth 400+ page illustrated 1942 Nazi book to inform the population
of the German homeland about the population and economic possibilities
in the Nazi occupied Polish territories - very anti-Jewish in tone.
Heimstätten des deutschen Sozialismus, Reichsverband fur deutsche Jugendherbergen
A rare and informative 1936 photo publication highlighting the construction of new German Youth Hostels, 'opened in the service of the young Nation’ that should be considered the 'central point of the youth culture' in Nazi Germany.
Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler, Auflage 4 Millionen
A fine facsimile of a very rare original, heavily illustrated 1938 Nazi publicity
brochure produced when four million copies of Adolf Hitler’s
best seller Mein Kampf had been sold.
BIZ 1937 Special Edition 700 Years Berlin
A heavily illustrated original 144 page Special Edition of the Nazi news magazine
Berliner Illustrirte, one of only 125,000 published for the 700th anniversary
celebrations of the capital city of Nazi Germany in 1937 - great photo content!
Erholungsheime des Kameradschaftsbundes Deutscher Polizei, 1936 Werbeschrift
A rare Third Reich photo publication about R & R facilities all over Nazi
Germany for German policemen and their families printed in 1936
by the Kameradschaftsbund Deutscher Polizeibeamten in Berlin.
Bolschewisierung 1943 Nazi anti-communist propaganda
An extremely rare, heavily illustrated 1943 Nazi propaganda publication
published by Nibelungen-Verlag explaining the urgent need to defeat
communism and the Soviet Union to secure the future of Germany
and peace in all of western Europe. Gruesome photo content!
Die Woche Sondernummer Anschluss 1938
The 23 March 1938 special edition of the Third Reich magazine Die Woche
with superb photo coverage of the historic Anschluß or reunification of
Austria with Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany.
1937 Nazi concrete construction photo book, Neues Bauen in Eisenbeton
Neues Bauen in Eisenbeton, a fascinating 1937 Nazi photo book on modern
construction techniques using reinforced concrete - 200+ pages,
architectural drawings, in-depth statistics, tables and great photos.
Nazi photo book on ethical breeding of pure blooded Germans
Dein JA zum Leibe, subtitled Meaning and Embodiment of German Breeding,
a heavily illustrated book attempting to assess the body with a view
to improve ethical breeding of pure blooded Germans
A rare 1933 Second Edition of Aus Adolf Hitlers Heimat, a photo book about the
area where Hitler was born and spent his youth - the only book published
during the Third Reich that mentions Hitler's family origins!
Gebirgsjäger erleben Serbien und die Ukraine
The rare German combat history of the Enzian Division, Gebirgsjäger erleben
Serbien und die Ukraine
(German Mountain Troops Experience Serbia and
the Ukraine) as published for the Division during WW2 - great photo content!
Liederbuch der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei
An original 1939 edition of the Liederbuch der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen
, the 120+ page Songbook of the Nazi Party filled with
Nazi ‘classics’ such as Das Horst Wessel Lied, Es leben die Soldaten,
Führer wir rufen dich an, Ich hatt einen Kameraden
and more
1939 Mit der Reichspost durch Deutschland Thuringen


An original 1939 Nazi tourist brochure with color map for travel by postal bus
through Thuringia, the area which includes Weimar, Ohrdruf, Kyffhausen,
Jena, Erfurt and Zella-Mehlis, home of the Walther pistol factory.
Driving School H & K Walther of Berlin
A lot of three original 1939 books for Third Reich driving schools students -
heavily illustrated and filled with technical information, traffic rules, driving tips,
examples of traffic situations, do’s and don’ts when driving, etc.
1943 LUFTWAFFE recruitment book OKW
Freiwillige vor! Hinein in die Luftwaffe!, a heavily illustrated promotional book produced by the OKW in 1943 to interest young German men in joining the Luftwaffe. After WW2 it became part of the library of the Office of Military Government (OMGUS) in Berlin.
1938 Rhine-Main travel info, with photos and maps
A fine original, heavily illustrated 84-page English language tourist guidebook
to the beautiful Rhine-Main area in Nazi Germany dated 1938, with maps.
Dorf des Friedens, 1936 Olympic Village Berlin
"Village of Peace", a rare heavily illustrated Third Reich guidebook to the
Olympic Village built by the Wehrmacht for the athletes who participated in
XI Olympic Games in Berlin in August 1936, with its original dust jacket
and the frequently missing fold-out map in the back.
Nazi death announcement 3 killed Wehrmacht sons
An original 4-panel announcement by the Webinger family announcing the death of
their three sons serving in the Wehrmacht on the East Front during World War II.
Deutscher Sozialismus, Nazi election propaganda
A rare heavily illustrated 33 inch long Nazi fold-out publication about increased
opportunity and prosperity for all German citizens since 1933, printed to
urge Austrians to vote for reunification with Hitler’s Germany in 1938.
Bollwerk im Westen, NSDAP Gauverwaltung Saarpfalz 1938
Bollwerk im Westen or 'Stronghold in the West’, an illustrated 1938 Nazi book
dedicated to the DAF men working on the Westwall or Siegfried Line produced
to familiarize those workmen with the 'Land between the Rhine and Saar'.
Der deutsche Erzieher, 1939 Heft 11, Heft 12
Two rare June 1939 illustrated magazines called Der deutsche Erzieher
published by the National Socialist Teachers League for Third Reich educators,
with striking eagle and swastika covers.
The National Socialist State, Dr. Walther Gehl, 1937
Der nationalsozialistische Staat, an illustrated 1937 Nazi book about the foundation and creation of Nazi Germany with chapters covering race, family, the Nazi Party, the position of the SA and SS, the domestic German and foreign economic market, physical fitness, Labor Service, the role of the German woman, religion, the press and more.
Der Erste Deutsche Mai, Tag der nationalen Arbeit 1933
A very rare Zeitgeschichte Verlag publication with Heinrich Hoffmann photos
of the huge 1 May 1933 celebrations in Berlin, the first Tag der nationalen
or National Day of Labor after the Nazi Party was elected
to power in Germany. Complete with 3+ foot fold-out photo!